TS10 on its way!

On August 28, 2022 singer-songwriter Taylor Swift shocked the world once again with her announcement of a brand new album. As she was accepting the award for Video of the Year at this year’s MTV Music Video Awards, she introduced her 10th studio album in front of the live audience.

“I was so surprised, I kept refreshing Instagram and texting all my friends to see if anyone had heard anything,” self-acclaimed Taylor Swift fan and FHS sophomore, Scarlet Smith, said.

The proclamation of a new album was enough to send Swift’s many dedicated fans (called “Swifties”, a name they coined for themselves) into a complete uproar. Instantly, nearly every media platform became a flurry of tweets, posts, and comments regarding Swift and her big news.

“I love Taylor Swift, and hearing she was releasing a new album was so cool considering how much I liked her last albums,” FHS freshman Annabelle Barger said.

Quickly after the declaration of the album, Taylor Swift’s official social media accounts and website had been altered, with the phrase “Meet me at midnight” being displayed on all pages as well as a countdown clock ending at midnight on Swift’s website. One thing Swift is known and loved for is her ability to leave hidden messages and draw anticipation regarding her musical releases, which makes the process all the more fun for her fans.

“The way she uses easter eggs to promote her albums is really interesting,” junior Katy Rubiola says. “It makes the whole process way more interactive.”

The internet continued to bubble with excitement as midnight drew nearer. As soon as the clock struck, both Swift’s social media ad website updated to present the formal album announcement. Swift’s new thirteen track album, titled “Midnights” is set to release on October 21, 2022. Swift states that her 10th album is “a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams”.

Swift has managed to, yet again, become a conversation topic of global proportions as she prepares to release her new album. She has continued to remain in the eye of public relevancy for an amount of time that is unheard of by most other female pop artists in the music industry. As October 21st continues to draw nearer, nothing can hinder the excitement for “Midnights” whether it be from fans, critics, or casual listeners.