Do this year’s homecoming theme options fall short?
Homecoming season is arguably the most exciting event at the beginning of every school year for FHS. Between the cute proposals going on in the halls and at sports games, dress shopping, and the homecoming game itself, students are thinking about so many things.
On August 29, a Final Forms email was sent with a Google Forms link for the student body to vote for this year’s homecoming theme. The themes consisted of: Under the Sea, City Never Sleeps (which is reminiscent of a Vaporwave/Neon theme), Fairytale, Out of This World, and Retro Night.
Many students were not aware of this and voting closed by 10th period the following Thursday. Because of this, many did not vote or get to give their opinion. In light of this, here are some thoughts from the FHS student body, more than a few of which had never heard the themes prior to being asked!
“I think the fairytale [theme] is a little [tacky],” sophomore Lee Mallamaci says. “Just because it’s overdone a lot of the time.”
Others take a bit more of a harsh approach to their opinion on the fairytale theme option.
“I kind of hate fairytale because most of it kind of sucks,” junior Charbel Keyrouz comments.
Junior Emmy Caton disagrees with both of these statements.
“[Fairytale] has the most potential to be really cool because last year’s theme sounded cool, [but] then fell short,” she says. “I think fairytale is simple, but can still be really fun.”
Fairytale is for sure an easy to work with theme and one that should be simple to make magical without making it too over the top or too underwhelming.
“I chose [fairytale] because I think it’s the one they would butcher the least,” junior Allie Detterman says.
She went on to say that while the themes are not necessarily bad, they are a “little basic.”
“I feel like you could look up homecoming themes and those would be the top results,” she critiques.
Others say Out of This World and Under the Sea are out of place themes.
“Under the Sea sounds basic and Out of This World sounds cheesy,” sophomore Payson Dotson says.
Lee Mallamaci disagrees with this take on Out of This World.
“I like Out of This World. I just really like space themes in general and I think the colors and decorations will be fun,” he says.
Sophomore Drew Denike agrees with Payson, however, saying “I envision a lot of tin foil, and probably cardboard robots, because that’s probably around what [the HS] can afford”.
He goes on to say that Retro Night would be his pick for the theme.
“I think Retro Night could be well executed with the resources we have and possibly bring with it an atmosphere of nostalgia that could connect us with the past” Denike concluded.
At this point, with all of these opposing views on what is and is not good for this year’s dance, it is anyone’s guess which one wins. Only time will tell which theme prevails.
Holly Spitler, senior, is the Editor in Chief of the Blue & Gold Today for the 2023-2024 school year. This is her fourth year as a member of the B&G...