On June 20, 2024, Netflix premiered a new original show titled “America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (DCC).” The seven-episode series explores the realities behind the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders program and the process of becoming a DCC. The show features the lives of some cheerleaders, including Kelsey Wetterberger and Victoria Kalina.
Victoria Kalina, the daughter of Tina Kalina a former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader now a former DCC herself experiences throughout the show mental health issues such as eating disorders, and depression. The show showcases the reality into her life, and how she balances being a DCC while also having mental health issues.
“I think there is a lot of pressure on body images for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders,” sophomore Ava Reuille said. “I would imagine that would create negative body images for them.”
The show features conversations about the salaries of the DCC, and the realities behind the pay for the DCC. Most of the Cheerleaders take on extra jobs due to the low pay. The runtime showcases Kelsey Wetterberger, and how she balances out being a DCC along with maintaining a job. The show features her schedule during the day. She works as a pediatric nurse from 7:30am to 4:30pm, and then goes to cheerleading after.
“I thought they would have made a lot more money, since they are very well known,” sophomore Ryan Staschiak said.
The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders are known for their looks, and their cheerleading excellence. After watching the show, “America’s Sweethearts,” viewers can learn the reality of the lives of a DCC. Showcasing mental health issues, negative body images, and low wages. The show will make viewers laugh, cry, and want to throw something at their tv, capturing all the behind-the-scenes-action of a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.