“Invincible” is a mature superhero series created by writer Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker. In January of 2003, the superhero made it to print in black, yellow, and blue. In February of 2018, the series concluded with 144 issues. The popularity of the comics warranted a 2021 television show, totaling 16 episodes as of 2024.
The story follows Invincible, known as Mark Grayson to his friends and family, a high school boy living in a world with superheroes, aliens, and other science fiction elements. He grows up with his father Omni-man, an alien from another planet and one of the major heroes of Earth. The major first arc is Mark finding that his father is not as great as he is made out to be.
The plot is packed with a long list of colorful supporting characters. Many are very close to Mark, like his mother, Debbie Grayson, a caring and strong woman who works in real estate and his best friend, William Clockwell. Another influential character for Mark is his girlfriend, Amber Bennett, a strong willed and understanding partner.
Other supporting characters have subplots like Eve Wilkins, a hero alongside Mark. She dawns the name Atom Eve due to her ability to rearrange atoms in a pink wash. Eve has had an incredible knowledge of atomic structures from birth. “Presenting Atom Eve.” is the 56 minute runtime prequel telling her backstory.
“The characters were really well done and I like how they gave Donald a more flushed out story compared to the comics. I also really like the arc of getting stronger Allen has gone through,” senior Robert Leatherman said.
Donald and Allen are other supporting characters for the show. Donald is an agent who works for the GDA (Global Defense Agency) and comes to realize that he may not be all he seems. And Allen, a cyclops alien who gets beaten half to death and comes back better than he ever was.
There were major setbacks for the show in production. Due to COVID-19 and animation troubles, among other things, releases got spotty. A little over two years after the debut season there was a gap for the release of the first half of season two. Then, after the first four episodes dropped in November 4 more months passed before the second half dropped.
“I really loved the pacing of this season episode-wise. The wait in between the first half definitely sucked,” senior Robert Leatherman commented on the delay.
Regardless, season two is now fully available for streaming on Amazon Prime. “Invincible” is back with tougher battles like mental health and a portal to Fortnite. The first half of the season focuses on the aftermath of his father’s damage to Earth and his life as picks pieces back up.
“Season 2 of Invincible was truly a masterpiece. I was actually really surprised with how it all turned out,” junior Logan Price said.
The second season of Invincible left people excited for more. Robert Kirkman promised that the seasons should come more regularly with less delay. With a promising finale that opens up plenty of ends, fans are very ready for the next drop.